Cistercian Abbey, Mellifont, Collon, County Louth - interior, west end - crypt
Cistercian Abbey, Mellifont, Collon, County Louth - interior, west end - crypt
Collon, County Louth, Leinster, Republic of Ireland, Europe
Photograph by Roger Stalley. West - end crypt viewed from the south. The rectangular main chamber is accessed via stone steps and is lit by four small windows in the west wall, each had a cruciform grille. A doorway leads from this main chamber to a roughly square - planned room under the west bay of the north aisle. It receives no direct lighting. The west wall has a large 'L' - shaped cupboard with a barrel vault and indications of wicker centering. It may have been used as a safe or strong - room. A smaller sealed chamber exists to the east of the main one but is not accessible.
Architecture, Medieval - Ireland, Ecclesiastical architecture, Architecture - Ireland - Louth, Cistercian architecture, Monasteries—Ireland, Crypts, crypt, steps, chamber, doorway, barrel vault, wicker centering, window, cruciform, grille, safe
Artist / Creator / Agent, etc.
Stalley, Roger
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TARA (Trinity's Access to Research Archive) URI
Irish Research Council for Arts, Humanities & Social Sciences (IRCHSS), The Heritage Council of Ireland
Trinity College Dublin
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