Cistercian Abbey, Mellifont, County Louth, exterior - lavabo, arch and capital
Cistercian Abbey, Mellifont, County Louth, exterior - lavabo, arch and capital
Collon, County Louth, Leinster, Republic of Ireland, Europe
Photograph by Roger Stalley. View of lavabo arch and capital. The damaged capital shows remains of affronted winged birds or hybrids. The abacus is plan. The string - course above the capital is broken. The soffit is moulded with a triplet of roll - and - fillets, each separated by a fillet. The soffit rolls are separated from the outer orders by a three - quarter hollow flanked by fillets. The outer two orders are largely comprised of keels, hollows and roll - and - fillets.
Architecture, Medieval - Ireland, Ecclesiastical architecture, Architecture - Ireland - Louth, Architecture, Romanesque, Cistercian architecture, Monasteries - Ireland, Lavabos (Architecture), Mouldings, lavabo, stringcourse, capital, jamb, soffit, roll - and - fillet moulding, portal, keel moulding, hollow moulding, abacus, affronted animals
Artist / Creator / Agent, etc.
Stalley, Roger
Contributor's Role
TARA (Trinity's Access to Research Archive) URI
Irish Research Council for Arts, Humanities & Social Sciences (IRCHSS), The Heritage Council of Ireland
Trinity College Dublin
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