Cistercian Abbey, Mellifont, County Louth, interior - lavabo, arches, capitals and shafts
Cistercian Abbey, Mellifont, County Louth, interior - lavabo, arches, capitals and shafts
Collon, County Louth, Leinster, Republic of Ireland, Europe
Photograph by Roger Stalley. Interior view of lavabo showing 1.5 bays of the octagonally planned building. Each bay occupies a side of the octagon. The bays are divided vertically by angle shafts of twin rolls separated by an angle fillet which support acanthus capitals, these in turn once supported a rib - vault. The bays are divided horizontally by a roll - and - fillet stringcourse that also forms the abaci of capitals described below. At the centre of each bay is a round arched opening in two orders, the outer of which is moulded with keels rolls and hollows. The inner order is supported by broad shafts with foliate bell capitals. The soffit roll comprises a triplet of roll and fillets. In the image, one soffit roll has been lost and replaced with a chamfered order.
Architecture, Medieval - Ireland, Ecclesiastical architecture, Architecture - Ireland - Louth, Monasteries—Ireland, Cistercian architecture, Lavabos (Architecture), Mouldings, lavabo, foliate capital, acanthus leaf, roll - and - fillet moulding, round shaft, jamb, chamfered moulding, soffit, decorative drill hole, chamfered moulding, roll - and - fillet stringcourse, arris fillet, abacus, vault rib
Artist / Creator / Agent, etc.
Stalley, Roger
Contributor's Role
TARA (Trinity's Access to Research Archive) URI
Irish Research Council for Arts, Humanities & Social Sciences (IRCHSS), The Heritage Council of Ireland
Trinity College Dublin
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