St Mary's Collegiate Church, Gowran, Co Kilkenny, interior - nave, south aisle, window, east elevation (detail)
St Mary's Collegiate Church, Gowran, Co Kilkenny, interior - nave, south aisle, window, east elevation (detail)
Gowran, County Kilkenny, Leinster, Republic of Ireland, Europe
Detail of window in east elevation of south aisle of nave showing twin lancets with trefoil heads and a quatrefoil window above. The arches have foliate cusps and dogtooth mouldings; capitals have stiff - leaf foliage carvings; roll - and - fillet hood mouldings terminate in foliate and head carved label stops; the shafts are plain.
Architecture, Medieval - Ireland, Architecture, Gothic - Ireland, Ecclesiastical architecture, Church architecture - Ireland, Kilkenny (Ireland) - Buildings, structures, etc, Gowran (Ireland), Chantries, Collegiate churches, Foliation (Architecture and decoration), Capitals (Architecture), Gothic, Mouldings, Tracery (Architecture), lancet window, quatrefoil window, cusped arch, dogtooth ornament, trefoil head, foliate cusp, roll - and - fillet moulding, plain shaft
Artist / Creator / Agent, etc.
Stalley, Roger
Contributor's Role
TARA (Trinity's Access to Research Archive) URI
Irish Research Council for Arts, Humanities & Social Sciences (IRCHSS), The Heritage Council of Ireland
Trinity College Dublin
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