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Photograph by Roger Stalley. Detail of south choir elevation showing jamb of niche with hood moulding terminating in foliate label stop. Twin filleted polychromatic shafts of red sandstone support weathered stiff - leaf capitals. The outer order is more slender than the inner.

Photograph by Roger Stalley. Detail of south elevation of choir showing double trefoil headed niche (piscina?) surmounted by two lancet windows. Filleted shafts support capitals treated with stiff - leaf foliage. An adjacent larger niche is also partially visible showing polychromatic filleted shafts and stiff - leaf foliage capitals on water -…

Photograph by Roger Stalley. Detail of south choir elevation showing portion of niche with filleted arch and hood moulding terminating in foliate label stop. Twin filleted polychromatic shafts of red sandstone support weathered stiff - leaf and nailhead capitals. The outer order is more slender than the inner.

Photograph by Roger Stalley. Detail of south elevation of choir showing niches surmounted by a stringcourse upon which rests lancet windows. Central niche has polychromatic filleted shafts and arches treated with capitals of stiff - leaf foliage and water - holding bases resting on a stepped stringcourse. An adjacent early classical niche to the…

Photograph by Roger Stalley. View of north transept from the north - east crossing pier. West elevation has two lancet windows resting on stringcourse. North elevation shows triple lancet windows rere - arches treated with roll - and - fillets with multiple annulets and chamfered arch mouldings on foliate capitals. The central lancet has been…

Photograph by Roger Stalley. View of north elevation of the presbytery from the south - west of the nave showing springers of the vaults, two lancet windows, pointed door, soffit rolls and bell capital of the nave arch. Lancet windows have multiple annulets; vaults have fallen and statues rest on the the springers.

Photograph by Roger Stalley. View of transept chapel in north transept showing pointed entrance arch, double lancet windows of exterior elevation and semi - circular headed wall niche. The lancets are framed by banded shafts with foliate capitals on a stringcourse.

Photograph by Roger Stalley. View of gabled niche in the buttress on the south - west corner of the south transept. The gable terminates in head carved label stops and the roll - and - fillet moulded arches are carried on filleted shafts. Carvings on the east capital show human heads; those on the west have floriate designs.

Photograph by Roger Stalley. View of south transept from the north showing triple lancet windows in south elevation, single lancet window in east elevation and two - bay arcade between main transept space and western flanking aisle. Arcade has cylindrical piers with bell capitals, water - holding bases and chamfered arch mouldings. Lancet windows…

Photograph by Roger Stalley.Piscina in south elevation of chancel at the east end. Niche has trefoil headed arches with roll moulding and nailhead ornament resting on two small engaged shafts. Capital on east jamb has cable twist abacus above stylized leaves and nailhead moulding below. Capital on west jamb has simplified leaf ornament above a…

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