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Photograph by Roger Stalley. View of east end of choir showing graded triple lancet windows with banded shafts and foliate capitals, hood mouldings and label stops. A piscina flanks the outermost lancets, each one currently containing an effigy of a bishop holding a crozier. South elevation shows nine trefoil - headed lancet windows flanked by…

Photograph by Roger Stalley. Detail of the monks' doorway in south aisle showing jambs and orders. One capital is badly damaged but the other shows fine stiff - leaf foliage carving and cable moulding. Soffit mouldings show dogtooth and roll - and - fillet designs while the jambs are plain shafts. Inner order of doorway has cusped, round - headed…

Photograph by Roger Stalley. View of monk's doorway in south ailse. Receding orders show alternating roll - and - fillet and dogtooth arch mouldings enclosed by hood mould with foliate carved label stop. The inner order is chamfered and multi - cusped; the west capital shows fine stiff - leaf foliage and the east one chevron ornament as well as…

Photograph by Roger Stalley. Capital of the lavabo with acanthus foliate carving in the bell surmounted by a roll - and - fillet abacus all resting upon a jamb with a round shaft. Richly moulded soffit is visible at the top of the image.

Photograph by Roger Stalley. Interior view of the lavabo showing bell capital with acanthus foliate carving surmounted by a roll - and - fillet abacus resting on a jamb with a round shaft (damaged). Mouldings of soffit arch are chamfered, but this may be a modern repair.

Photograph by Roger Stalley. Interior view of lavabo showing 1.5 bays of the octagonally planned building. Each bay occupies a side of the octagon. The bays are divided vertically by angle shafts of twin rolls separated by an angle fillet which support acanthus capitals, these in turn once supported a rib - vault. The bays are divided horizontally…

Photograph by Roger Stalley. Capital of the lavabo showing acanthus foliate carving with decorative drill holes below. Capital is surmounted by a roll - and - fillet abacus; round shaft of the jamb is missing but others visible in background.

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