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Tomb niche in north nave wall. Moulding at inner surface has cusps, and from these outward comprises: fillet, three-quarter hollow, fillet, quadrant, fillet, chamfer (can be read as roll with two fillets), chamfer, right-angled rebate, quadrant, fillet, three-quarter hollow, fillet, quadrant, fillet, chamfer (can be read as roll with two fillets),…

Photograph by Roger Stalley. View of north elevation of extended east end presbytery showing tomb recess and stringcourse. Recess has water - holding base (endélit shaft missing) and mouldings with vertical line of dogtooth ornament. A small segment of roll - and - fillet moulded stringcourse is also visible at the angle of the north and east…

Photograph by Roger Stalley. View of north transept showing south - eastern transept chapel. The south pier respond adjoins the north - east crossing pier. Complex series of roll - and - fillet arch mouldings are augmented with endélit shafts, these all rest on water - holding bases and a chamfered plinth.

Door jamb and arch moulding and hood, from intrados moulding comprises: quadrant, hollow chamfer, roll-and-fillet, hollow chamfer, quadrant. The hood comproses: hollow and angle-fillet.

Door jamb and arch moulding running along chamfer plane, from intrados the elements comprise: quadrant, sunk chamfer, right-angled rebate, sunk chamfer, quadrant. The moulding of the hood also runs along the chamfer plane, comprsing hollow, free-standing fillet, hollow.

Base of middle niche in south wall of nave. Moulding is broken, but what remains, from top down, comprises: water-holding element, roll with two fillets, chamfer, plinth.

Arch and hood moulding of eastern niche in south nave wall. Moulding of arch from inner to outer face comprises: hollow, roll-and-fillet, flat surface, roll-and-fillet, right-angled rebate, flat surface of wall. From outer to inner face, hood comprises: frontal fillet, hollow, hollow, quarter roll, hollow.

Arch and hood moulding of westernmost niche of south nave wall. Arch moulding from inner surface comprises: chamfer, flat surface, hollow, roll-and-fillet, roll, hollow, chamfer, flat surface of wall. The hood, from outside face to inner comprises: roll-and-fillet, hollow, chamfer. The style of this moulding can best be described as debased Early…

Arch and hood of wall arcade. Moulding from intrados comprises: chamfer, hollow, triple-filleted roll, hollow, chamfer. The hood, from external to internal surface comprises: fillet, roll, hollow, roll, chamfer.

Jamb of sedilia, moulding from intrados comprises: hollow, roll-and-fillet, flat surface, roll-and-fillet, chamfer. The hood, from the outer edge, comprises: roll with frontal fillet, hollow flanked by fillets, quadrant. Few hollows flanked by fillets occur in Irish architecture, in England, Morris sees them as the progenitor of the casement -…

Annulet or shaft-ring of window angle shaft. Moulding, from top down comprises: roll, outward splaying bell, flat surface, roll, flat surface, inward splaying bell, roll.

Jamb fragment, possibly door. Moulding comprises: hollow chamfer, quadrant, right-angled rebate, hollow chamfer, quadrant.

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