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Photograph by Roger Stalley. Detail of the monks' doorway in south aisle showing jambs and orders. One capital is badly damaged but the other shows fine stiff - leaf foliage carving and cable moulding. Soffit mouldings show dogtooth and roll - and - fillet designs while the jambs are plain shafts. Inner order of doorway has cusped, round - headed…

Photograph by Roger Stalley. View of monk's doorway in south ailse. Receding orders show alternating roll - and - fillet and dogtooth arch mouldings enclosed by hood mould with foliate carved label stop. The inner order is chamfered and multi - cusped; the west capital shows fine stiff - leaf foliage and the east one chevron ornament as well as…

West door moulding, from soffit moulding comprises: roll-and-fillet, fillet, hollow, fillet, roll-and-fillet, fillet, hollow, fillet, roll-and-fillet, fillet, hollow, roll-and-fillet, fillet, pinnacle. This door, in its overall composition and the width of the fillets, is close to doors at Holycross, Kilcooly and other works related to them.

Door jamb and arch moulding, comprising from intrados: chamfer, hollow, triplet of roll-and-fillets, hollow, quadrant, quadrant. The hood comprises a sunk chamfer.

Photograph by Roger Stalley. View of west end from south - west showing remains of lancet window and entrance arch (blocked up). Clerestory of north elevation of nave also visible showing trefoil heads of lancet windows and upper portion of third nave bay.

Door jamb and arch moulding, moulding from intrados comprises: chamfer, quadrant, fillet, hollow chamfer, fillet, quadrant, fillet, right-angled rebate, fillet, quadrant, fillet, hollow chamfer, fillet, quadrant, fillet. This door, due to various design similarites, is almost certainly by the same mason as the west door of Ardnaree Augustinian,…

Capital frieze running the length of the splayed door jamb. Moulding comprises, from centre: central frontal roll-and-fillet flanked above and below by fillet, hollow, and scroll.

Hood moulding of door. From extrados, moulding comprises frontal fillet flanked by quadrants, and at inner face, by a fillet, hollow and roll.

Door jamb, arch and hood of the detatched castle chapel. Jamb and arch moulding from intrados comprise: hollow chamfer, right-angled rebate, quadrant. The hood, which is placed at some distance from the jamb, comprises from outside in: frontal fillet, hollow chamfer, right-angled rebate, hollow chamfer.

Photograph by Roger Stalley. View of first bay of the south nave wall. Chamfered arch moulding is carried on a cylindrical pier of ashlar masonry with bell capital and water - holding base. Late Gothic entrance to night stair and coeval south cloister walk can be seen on far side of nave arcade.

Photograph by Roger Stalley. View of nave through to south transept and south cloister walk from north - west(north elevation missing). East end has five graded lancet windows with one additional lancet in the centre of the gable. South elevation has nine trefoil - headed lancet windows with niches below which have round, trefoil and ogee - headed…

West door jamb, arch and hood moulding. Moulding from intrados comprises: quadrant, hollow chamfer, right-angled rebate, quadrant, hollow chamfer. The hood, from extrados to intrados comprises: frontal fillet, hollow chamfer, quadrant.

South door jamb, arch and hood moulding. Jamb and arch moulding from intrados comprises: hollow chamfer, quadrant, hollow chamfer, right-angled rebate, hollow chamfer. The hood, from extrados comprises: frontal fillet, hollow chamfer, right-angled rebate, hollow chamfer.

Door jamb and arch moulding running along chamfer plane comprising from intrados: right-angled rebate, larger right-angled rebate, right-angled rebate.

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