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Church of All Saints, Kenton, Devon, England - Rood Screen
(handwritten on back of image): Kenton, Devon: Detail of screen
Church of All Saints, Kenton, Devon, England - Rood Screen
(handwritten on back of image): Kenton, Devon: Detail of screen
Church of All Saints, Kenton, Devon, England - Rood Screen
(handwritten on back of image): Kenton, Devon: Screen
Church of All Saints, Kenton, Devon, England - Rood Screen
(handwritten on back of image): Kenton, Devon: Church (B42/2115)
Church of All Saints, Long Ashton, Somerset, England - Tomb Effigies
(handwritten on back of image): 66.17, Long Ashton (Somerset): tomb, detail of gisant
Church of All Saints, Long Ashton, Somerset, England - Tomb Effigies
(handwritten on back of image): 66.16, Long Ashton (Somerset): tomb, gisants and angels on rear wall of tomb
Church of All Saints, Marsham, Norfolk, England - Detail of Rood Screen
(handwritten on back of image): Marsham, Norfolk (B36/673)
Church of All Saints, Norton Fitzwarren, Somerset, England - Rood Screen
(handwritten on back of image): Norton Fitzwarren, Somerset: Church: Detail of Rood Screen, c. 1500 (B47/2035)
Church of All Saints, Norton Fitzwarren, Somerset, England - Rood Screen
(handwritten on back of image): Norton Fitzwarren, Somerset: Church: Detail of Rood Screen, c. 1500 (BB56/228)
Church of All Saints, Norton Fitzwarren, Somerset, England - Rood Screen
(handwritten on back of image): Norton Fitzwarren, Somerset: Church: Detail of Rood Screen, c. 1500 (B47/6801a)
Church of All Saints, Sutton Bingham, Somerset, England - Porch
(handwritten on back of image): Sutton Bingham, Somerset: Church of All Saints: porch from North, date taken 5th October 1965 (BB66/2038)
Church of All Saints, Sutton Bingham, Somerset, England - Virgin and Child
(handwritten on back of image): Sutton Bingham, Somerset: Church of All Saints: North porch carving, date taken 5th October 1965 (BB66/2039)
Church of All Saints, Trull, Somerset, England - Pulpit
(handwritten on back of image): Trull, Somerset: Church of All Saints: Pulpit (BB55/1293)
Church of All Saints, Trull, Somerset, England - Rood Screen
(handwritten on back of image): Trull (BB55/1294)
Church of All Saints, Walsoken, Norfolk, England - Font
(handwritten on back of image): Walsoken, Norfolk (B37/1019)
Tags: Baptism, Confirmation, Crucifixion, England, Extreme unction, figure sculpture, Inscriptions, Instruments of the Passion, Jesus Christ, John Beforth, Latin, Marriage, Mary Magdalene, Mass, Norfolk, Ordination, Paul, S Hoynter, Sacraments, Saint, Saints, St. Catherine, St. Dorothy, St. John the Baptist, St. Margaret, St. Peter, St. Stephen, Stone Carving, Walsoken
Church of All Saints, Willoughby-on-the-Wolds, Nottinghamshire, England - Willoughby Tomb
(handwritten on back of image): Willoughby-on-the-Wolds (Notts)
Church of All Saints, Willoughby-on-the-Wolds, Nottinghamshire, England - Willoughby Tomb
(handwritten on back of image): Willoughby-on-the-Wolds (Notts)
Church of All Saints, Wootten Courtenay, Somerset, England - Window
(handwritten on back of image): 66.129, Wootten Courtenay: window in s. wall of S. aisle
Church of All Saints, Wootten Courtenay, Somerset, England - Window
(handwritten on back of image): 66.131, Wootten Courtenay: window in E. end of N. aisle
Church of Plympton St. Mary, Plympton, Devon, England - Tomb of Richard Strode
(handwritten on back of image): 66.49, Plympton (Devon): St. Mary: Tomb, W. part