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Tags: Architecture, Architecture - Ireland - Dublin, chapter houses, County Dublin, Dublin, Ecclesiastical architecture, Gothic - Ireland, Gothic architecture, Ireland, Leinster, medieval, medieval architecture, monastic architecture
Tags: Callan (Ireland), Charter Roll of the City of Waterford, David de Barry, Dublin, Funerary monuments, Justicar 1287, Royal Society of Antiquaries of Ireland, Sepulchral monuments, Sepulchral slabs, Tombs, Waterford (Ireland)
Tags: 500-1500, Blessed Virgin, Charter Roll of the City of Waterford, Clothing and dress--History--Medieval, Crosses, Crucifixion, Dublin, Jesus Christ, Manuscripts, Mary, medieval, Royal Society of Antiquaries of Ireland, Saint, Waterford (Ireland)
Tags: 1817-1869, 500-1500, Charter Roll of the City of Waterford, Clothing and dress--History--Medieval, Costume, Du Noyer, Dublin, Falconry, George Victor, Inscriptions, Royal Society of Antiquaries of Ireland, Swords, Waterford (Ireland)
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