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Photograph by Roger Stalley. View of first bay of the south nave wall. Chamfered arch moulding is carried on a cylindrical pier of ashlar masonry with bell capital and water - holding base. Late Gothic entrance to night stair and coeval south cloister walk can be seen on far side of nave arcade.

Photograph by Roger Stalley. View of nave through to south transept and south cloister walk from north - west(north elevation missing). East end has five graded lancet windows with one additional lancet in the centre of the gable. South elevation has nine trefoil - headed lancet windows with niches below which have round, trefoil and ogee - headed…

Photograph by Roger Stalley. View of north - east corner of presbytery showing rib vault springer, rib mouldings comprise of roll - and - fillets flanked by rolls; vault supported by bell capital and filleted shaft. Lancet window on north elevation of presbytery has multiple annulets; rere - arch suported by bell capital.

Photograph by Roger Stalley. Detail of the monks' doorway in south aisle showing jambs and orders. One capital is badly damaged but the other shows fine stiff - leaf foliage carving and cable moulding. Soffit mouldings show dogtooth and roll - and - fillet designs while the jambs are plain shafts. Inner order of doorway has cusped, round - headed…

Photograph by Roger Stalley. View of north elevation of the presbytery from the south - west of the nave showing springers of the vaults, two lancet windows, pointed door, soffit rolls and bell capital of the nave arch. Lancet windows have multiple annulets; vaults have fallen and statues rest on the the springers.

Photograph by Roger Stalley. View from the west side of the southern transept showing entrances to the eastern transept chapels. There is also a partial view of the northern respond of the transept arcade showing a moulded bell capital carried on a cylindrical pier with water - holding base. The eastern elevation of the transept shows a sexfoil…

Photograph by Roger Stalley. Exterior view of south transept from the south - west showing arcade of pointed chamfered arches in two orders resting on cylindrical piers with moulded bell capital and water - holding base. The west elevation is missing and the east elevation has single lancet windows on either side of the entrances to two transept…

Photograph by Roger Stalley. View of south transept from the north showing triple lancet windows in south elevation, single lancet window in east elevation and two - bay arcade between main transept space and western flanking aisle. Arcade has cylindrical piers with bell capitals, water - holding bases and chamfered arch mouldings. Lancet windows…

Photograph by Roger Stalley. View of south transept from the west showing paired side chapels beyond east elevation. Two bay arcade of transept has cylindrical piers with bell capitals, water - holding bases and chamfered soffit mouldings. Arches to side chapels have similar chamfered mouldings and a circular sexfoil window in the spandrel…

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