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Photograph by Roger Stalley. Detail of south elevation of choir showing niches surmounted by a stringcourse upon which rests lancet windows. Central niche has polychromatic filleted shafts and arches treated with capitals of stiff - leaf foliage and water - holding bases resting on a stepped stringcourse. An adjacent early classical niche to the…

Photograph by Roger Stalley. The pier in the west wall of the nave. Although designed to harmonise with the Early English work in the cathedral, this pier is most likely late medieval. The capital mouldings are similar to those of the mid - fifteenth century cloister at Holycross Abbey.

Photograph by Roger Stalley. Doorway leading from the nave to the bishop's palace/castle. Although Early English in style the doorway may be late medieval. The shield above is of the Butler family of Ormond - differenced with Pheons and an Archiepiscopal cross, it also appears at Kilcooly Abbey. It is not clear whom this shield represents.

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