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Photograph by Roger Stalley.Piscina in south elevation of chancel at the east end. Niche has trefoil headed arches with roll moulding and nailhead ornament resting on two small engaged shafts. Capital on east jamb has cable twist abacus above stylized leaves and nailhead moulding below. Capital on west jamb has simplified leaf ornament above a…

Photograph by Roger Stalley. North - east corner of chancel showing top of tomb niche with trefoil shaped arch decorated with dogtooth ornament, lancet window in north elevation with moulded arches, shafts with annulets, hood moulding and label stop and easternmost lancet of east end.

Photograph by Roger Stalley. East elevation of north transept showing tomb slabs and four lancet windows. Arches have roll - and - fillet mouldings, dogtooth ornament, shafts with captials and annulet rings and water - holding bases. They are surmounted by hood mouldings terminating in hood stops featuring floral buds and head carvings.

Photograph by Roger Stalley. View of east end through crossing from nave showing lancet windows. North elevation of nave shows trefoil - headed clerestory windows and three bays of nave arcade with square piers.(Easternmost one is blocked up). View includes crossing tower.

Photograph by Roger Stalley. Paired clerestory windows with trefoil heads in north elevation of nave. Rear arches moulded with dogtooth ornament. Bonded shafts on the outermost jambs and detached shaft in centre with stiff - leaf foliage capitals. Wall passage between windows has arch with chamfered jambs and stepped head.

Photograph by Roger Stalley.View of east end presbytery through the crossing from the nave. Shows first two nave bays (eastern most one is blocked up)and clerestory window of north elevation of the nave, pointed arches to crossing and east end presbytery with lancet windows.

Photograph by Roger Stalley. North transept doorway. Steeply pointed hood molding with stops enclosing arch with hood stops and en - delit shafts. Banded convex roll molding, continuous from jamb to arch, forms inner round - headed order of doorway. Quatrefoil frame fills tympanum created between inner order and apex of hood.

Photograph by Roger Stalley. Western side of south entrance porch showing capitals with stiff - leaf and head carvings, en - delit shafts and moulded base . Detached shafts are absent. View into western side of interior of porch shows blind arcading.

Photograph by Roger Stalley. View of east end of choir showing graded lancet windows in gable end and trefoil - headed lancets in south elevation deeply splayed reveals and chamfered arch mouldings. There are round - headed and trefoil - headed niches below the windows.

Photograph by Roger Stalley.Base mouldings of the western side of the third nave bay pier, opposite the south entrance portal.View from the nave into the south aisle.

Photograph by Roger Stalley.Head spouting foliage. Located on north wall of nave between the arch of the first nave bay and the crossing arch.

Photograph by Roger Stalley. Inscription reads: 'Sacred to the Memory of the Right Honourable Lieutenant General Sir Samuel Auchmuty G.C.B. Colonel of his Majestys 78th Regiment of Foot. Who died the 11th day of August 1822 AEtat 64 Whilst Commanding His Majesty's Forces in Ireland. He was a Brave Experienced and Successful Officer and Victorious…

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