Door jamb and arch moulding comprising: hollow chamfer, quadrant. The door was inserted by Archbishop Hugh Inge in 1523 and restored in the eighteenth century. Fragments of window found during recent excavations have the same scale moulding and are likely to associated with the door. The door is unusual in that it has a three centred head.
Door jamb, arch and hood of the detatched castle chapel. Jamb and arch moulding from intrados comprise: hollow chamfer, right-angled rebate, quadrant. The hood, which is placed at some distance from the jamb, comprises from outside in: frontal fillet, hollow chamfer, right-angled rebate, hollow chamfer.
Jamb arch and hood moulding. From intrados, jamb moulding comprises:quadrant, hollow chamfer, quadrant. The splayed jamb and hood are separated by a small hollow. The hood, from outside in, comprises: angle-fillet, angle-fillet, angle-fillet, angle-fillet.