Perfect News for Students: 5 Latest Life-Changing Inventions

Do you want to be in the know of the latest news for students without watching TV for hours? You are welcome to use this brief review of the latest life-changing inventions. Any of these discoveries can change your future!

  1. Video Games on Subway Straps

Does the very thought of using the subway at rush hours make your eyes twitch? Unattractive views and awkward passengers who step on your toes – this is not what you need on your way to college. A modern invention aims to make subway trips much more interesting:

According to the study from the site writemypaper4me Jiang Qian (a designer who lives in Sweden) wants to embed video games in subway straps.


  • much fewer fights for vacant seats;
  • more youths willing to yield their seats to elderly passengers.

A potential problem though with this invention is that it might make you miss your stop if you are too much into the game. Even though a built-in vibration device will alert you of upcoming stops, returning to reality might not be that easy.

  1. “Sit Up Straighter” Monitor

Philips wants to say “enough” to unhealthy technologies and plans to launch an anti-slouch screen. Only imagine – an in-built camera determines the position of your pupils to see how you are sitting. If you are too close or your neck is too much tilted, the monitor will kindly “ask” you to improve your position. The pop-up reminders won’t stop until you take the correct position.


  • improved posture, mood and productivity;
  • computer use is not “an unhealthy habit” any more.
  1. Super-Fast Internet 2

Have you got used to unexpected pauses when watching Youtube videos? With Internet 2, a project from UCAID (University Corporation for Advanced Internet Development), you’ll forget about this problem forever. The networks of the next generation will have a capacity of 10 gigabits (!) per second. Let’s wait and see how that turns out.


  • sharing unlimited amounts of academic and non-academic information;
  • unlimited gaming and online entertainment.

The reverse side of the coin is that having a poor internet connection will not be a valid excuse any more for not doing your homework. Ignorance of grammar rules during online classes won't be attributed to bad internet either.

  1. Alcohol Substitute

Hangouts are one of students’ favorite pastimes. Even though everyone knows about the possible consequences to be felt next morning, it is almost impossible to say “no” to parties. But now there is some good news for students – and not only for them! Researchers from the Imperial College London are working on a synthetic substitute for alcohol. This new kind of booze can be added to a non-alcoholic drink and aims to give you all the fun part of drinking alcohol, without the undesired consequences.


  • no more morning headaches;
  • no more bad smell;
  • all you need to sober up is to take a pill.

The only disadvantage is the big chance of losing track of time having fun, although you still need to have a good rest before the next workday.

  1. Edible Food Packaging

Wikicells is a new invention that can be used to make edible food packaging that comes in different forms and flavors.


  • reduced pollution;
  • a wonderful snack when your fridge is empty.

So, this news for students briefly described the latest inventions that might become your reality soon. Which of these innovations would you like to try out first?

Top 5 Go-To Textbook Exchange Groups and Communities

When you’re in college, the biggest risks to your budget come from where you least expect them. From your textbooks. New shiny books with crispy pages can cost you a fortune (sometimes up to several hundred bucks).

To save your wallet, you may buy used books, search for discounts or go even further, visiting textbook exchange communities.

Bookmark the Sites of Textbook Exchange Communities

In most cases, you can find a local book exchange group on your campus. It can be a pool of opportunities for you. Older students who have taken the same courses might have exactly what you need and even help you to improve writing skills.

If you occasionally don’t find what you need on campus, you may try to trade your books here:

  1. com connects you with other students on your campus or across the country. You can meet in person with someone who wants the books you offer and avoid the shipping and credit card hassle.
  2. com uses a system of points. When you send your books to someone, you earn points. When someone sends books to you, you spend your points. It means that the actual price of the book doesn’t matter as you earn one point for any book.
  3. com is a place to trade your old books and choose something you want from the list of more than 4 million available books.
  4. com is the place to go whenever you want to buy or get rid of books. You can even send your no value books, and the company will donate them to a charity organization, called Books to Children of the World.
  5. com is a textbook exchange platform that was launched in 2014. It’s a promising network, created by two college students for college students.

A Few Striking Facts about Textbook Market

Here are a few shocking facts about the textbook market as a final argument for textbook exchange:

  • Over the past 20 years, the textbook prices have more than tripled (it’s more than four times the inflation rate).
  • An average student spends $700- $1400 per year on textbooks.
  • New editions of textbooks taking place ever year make students’ old textbooks almost no value.

Become textbook-smart, trade the textbooks you need at the prices you want.


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