The child categorically does not want to study at home, and this infuriates me. What to do?

The child categorically does not want to study at home, and this infuriates me. What to do?

What to do if a child who studies in a special class refuses to study at home and this causes quarrels with parents?

Question. My 12 year old son is in 4th grade. He categorically does not want to study at home, he begins to do the opposite, everything that I ask, and this infuriates me. It all ends with a cry, tears from both sides. Tell me what to do?

Answer. The first reason your son doesn't want to exercise is because he's going through puberty. During this period, many teenagers lose their motivation to learn.
Secondly, the constant emphasis on the fact that your child is lazy, at some point, can really make him a lazy person. If you constantly repeat to the child that he does nothing, he will not want to do anything, because the parents already understand everything about him. But to motivate your child to study, use the help from which helps in writing papers. This way you can help your child with homework.

Thirdly, teenagers are simply bored with doing homework. And this is also a fairly common reason. To avoid boredom, diversify your homework. Using you will add color to your homework and especially to writing papers. This way you can help your child with their homework.Finally, he may experience fear that he will not be able to cope with the task assigned to him. Very often, the child refuses to do tasks in certain subjects, because they seem incomprehensible and difficult to him. But if you take care of him and use the help from the college essay writing service, then you will help him complete his homework, namely writing a written work. In this way, you will be able to clarify the simplicity of writing written papers.

What is the best way to talk to your son?

If you want to tell your child about something you don't like, try to formulate your thought without criticizing the child. For example, you can use the phrase "Some tasks require more time and attention from you."

If you want to praise your son, do it clearly and openly too - praise the achievements of your son, and not him, replace the phrase "You are so smart" with "I really like the way you think."

What to do to correct the situation?

Be a helper for your child, not a leader, and try to make the process of doing homework as easy as possible:
1. Create a comfortable workplace. It will be ideal if passers-by and cars are not heard in the study room, and there are no unnecessary electronic devices around.
2. Select the time by which all homework must be completed.
3. Help your son understand what type of assignment is the most difficult for him. If the child first works on difficult tasks, he will have more strength to complete them.
4. Discuss rules for doing homework. Talk to your child about something that at first glance may seem like a trifle: what time he will study, how long, when he will take breaks. In this way, you will establish unspoken rules that you can remind yourself of if the child is lazy. On the other hand, you will have another reason to praise your son for fulfilling the agreements.
5. When a child does not achieve a goal, do not point it out to him.Just remind him that you agreed to complete the tasks, express your attitude to this and say that you hope that tomorrow he will still complete the task.
6. Use rewards for extra motivation. Praise for good work or acceptance of failure will help the child perform better and without unnecessary nerves.
7. Reward your child for a job well done. It is necessary to praise him for his organization and responsibility. It is very important to say why you are so proud of your child so that he knows it himself. The idea is to "catch" children doing what they are good at and tell them about it.
Keep the real rewards simple - a walk in the park, a pizza. So you will spend more time with your child and he will be interested in doing homework.

Useful Resources

8 Best Business Schools in Chicago To Study MBA!

Different Essay Types And How to Deal With Them - Eminetra Canada

How To Hack Your Brain And Learn EVERYTHING You Want!

How to write an expository essay: useful tips and advice - California News Times

How To Write A Movie Review: Guide For College Students - Jetset Times



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