Five Simple Mistakes to Avoid in Mp3 Songs Production

When it comes to producing music, many new creators seek advice from different people. However, very few of them get a shot at showing their vision. These shots are very rare and any mistake can make or break a career. 

Some young artists use their intuition to guide their mp3 songsproduction and let the tracks self-create. While others tweak and play with many ideas without knowing the consequences. 

For such new producers, here are 5 simple mistakes to avoid in music production:

1. Trying to be a Perfectionist 

Music composers often get stuck after making a track. This is similar to a ''writer's block'', where writers are unable to write their plot or story. 

So, do no be afraid of asking for feedback from friends who are producers. Often, letting someone else hear your music onlinecan give you a new direction. They may be able to suggest a reference track. 

2. Forgetting the Creative Purpose

The second mistake is forgetting the creative purpose of the track. People get so preoccupied in technical aspects of mp3 songslike stereo imaging, sound design, etc., that they overlook the creative function which include listener's experience. 

3. Checking Commercial Standards

If you do not know your track in terms of sound design or structure, then it will be hard to keep it in sync with commercial standards. So, in order to have an idea on how you want your composition to sound, mark your music onlineas A/B while writing. 

4. Over-Compression

Ask yourself some questions. ''Does this track need more or less compression?'' or ''What sort of an impact will such compression have when somebody listen mp3 online?'' Often composers over-compress/over-limit/clip the tracks to the point of distortion. Doing so may make the whole mix sound flat (with some parts being louder). Avoid it by turning each channel down until it peaks -10 to -15 db. 

5. Choking the Track 

Modern day composers need to learn something from the musicians of old Hindi songs or English songs of 60s and 70s - let the track breathe! Give some room, some space to the sounds. 

When you mix many sounds together, without giving space to breathe, the ear becomes fatigued. And, the ear becomes overwhelmed. So, pre-plan things in order to keep your main theme intact. 

Composing mp3 songs is a brilliantly intricate and attractive area of work. It requires great attention to detail in the initial stages and takes a while for positive gains. This results in many individuals either leaving this field or staying confused all the while. Mistakes are the learning ladders and they are an important part of the journey. But with proper guidance and caution, better results can be achieved. 

Source : mp3juice


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