Do we Need a Spiritual Teacher to Grow Spiritually

The objective of all spiritual techniques or practices is to fully realise the innate divinity present in all of us. By reading Books On Spirituality we can definitely learn and understand the fundamentals of spiritual techniques; but spiritual teacher's guidance becomes necessary when we put these techniques into practice. Being the inexperienced spiritual aspirants we may encounter numerous obstacles while practicing these techniques. We may find it difficult to deal with our bodily resistance and mental agitations. The support and guidance of an experienced spiritual teacher will help us overcome these hazards.


Secondly, there are different spiritual practices or paths to realize our innate divinity. The spiritual path we choose inspired from the Books On Spirituality may not be suited to our own temperament. This could either harm us in some way or slow our spiritual growth.


None of us are alike. We are all unique and different. Based on our physical strength and endurance, will power, reasoning capacity and emotional quotient; we need tailor made spiritual practices to suit us. Spiritual teachers possess the wisdom to select a certain spiritual technique or techniques that will be most suitable for us. However all these spiritual techniques or Yogas, if followed sincerely, lead to the same goal - God realisation or Self- Realisation.


Of the numerous different Yogas or spiritual techniques to realise God, the four most important amongst them are: Bhakti Yoga, Jnana Yoga, Raja Yoga, and Karma Yoga.


The path of devotion or the Bhakti Yoga. This path or spiritual practice is principally meant for temperamentally emotional people who easily respond to love and affection. This path is based on the concept that the visible separation of the individual self from its divine source, God, causes all sufferings. Yoga or the union with the divine source can remove these imperfections. And this can be attained by surrendering ourselves and directing our emotions solely to God.


The path of rational inquiry or the Jnana Yoga. This path is prescribed for those of us having a logical temperament and to whom reason appeals more than bhakti. The principle behind this path is to remove the veil of ignorance and become illumined. This is achieved by using the power of discrimination between the real and the unreal.


Raja Yoga is the path of psychic control. For aspirants having a meditative temperament this type of Yoga is suitable. The spiritual seekers who have a natural yearning to control their minds. Raja Yoga states that perfection is within us but the distortion of our Pure consciousness prevents its manifestation. By total control over the agitations of the mind we can attain that perfection. This is a method of discipline, concentration and meditation.


Karma Yoga is the path of selfless action. Meant for people who are habitually active. In Karma Yoga we let work be our worship. We do selfless work without any attachment and without any desire for result and rewards.


The secret of spiritual growth is having the strength and courage to follow and put a certain spiritual technique into actual practice. And this becomes much easier when we have a spiritual teacher to guide us throughout our journey.


Books on Spirituality: What is Spirituality? Visit website and find the definition of spirituality from our spiritual eBook Know Thyself by Gian Kumar.


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