Dominican Priory of the Holy Cross, Sligo, County Sligo - Slab of Donat O Suibne and His Wife
Dominican Priory of the Holy Cross, Sligo, County Sligo - Slab of Donat O Suibne and His Wife
Sligo, County Sligo, Ireland
(handwritten on back of image): CO/9c, Sligo, Co. Sligo: Dominican priory: Slab of Donat O Suibne and his wife in niche in N. wall of chancel (stamp on back: The Green Studio Ltd., 118 St. Stephen's Green West, Dublin 2, Ref. No: CO/9c)
Sligo (Ireland : County), Sepulchral monuments, Funerary monuments, Sepulchral slabs, Tombs, Stone carving, Decoration and ornament, Architectural, Stone carving, Sepulchral slabs, Sepulchral monuments, Funerary monuments, Gentry Ireland, Figure sculpture, Animal sculpture, Saints, Apostles, Costume, Armour, Swords, Church vestments, Inscriptions, Latin, Crosses, Tracery (Architecture), Dominican Priory of the Holy Cross, Maurice FitzGerald, Brian, son of Dermot MacDonagh, Donat O Suibne, Saintly attributes, St. Peter, Mitres, Keys
Artist / Creator / Agent, etc.
Rae, Edwin
Contributor's Role
TARA (Trinity's Access to Research Archive) URI
Irish Research Council for Arts, Humanities & Social Sciences (IRCHSS), The Heritage Council of Ireland
Trinity College Dublin
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