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Photograph by Roger Stalley. North transept doorway. Steeply pointed hood molding with stops enclosing arch with hood stops and en - delit shafts. Banded convex roll molding, continuous from jamb to arch, forms inner round - headed order of doorway. Quatrefoil frame fills tympanum created between inner order and apex of hood.

Photograph by Roger Stalley. Western side of south entrance porch showing capitals with stiff - leaf and head carvings, en - delit shafts and moulded base . Detached shafts are absent. View into western side of interior of porch shows blind arcading.

Photograph by Roger Stalley. View of West doorway showing main arch which is subdivided allowing two portals.These are surrounded by cusped arches. The spandrel above has a quatrefoil frame flanked by foliage bosses and smaller quatrefoil frames containing carved angel figures.

Photograph by Roger Stalley.Detail of West portal showing a section of the arch moulding and spandrel (north side of portal) showing foliate boss and quatrefoil frame containing figural carving depicting a genuflecting angel looking upwards.

Photograph by Roger Stalley.Detail of West portal. Spandrel (south side of portal) showing foliate boss and quatrefoil frame containing figural carving depicting a genuflecting angel looking upwards.

Photograph by Roger Stalley.Base mouldings of first nave bay pier on the south side of the nave.Viewed from the south aisle looking northeast into the nave.

Photograph by Roger Stalley.Base mouldings of the western side of the third nave bay pier, opposite the south entrance portal.View from the nave into the south aisle.

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