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Mullion of sedilia, moulding comprises: frontal roll-and-fillet flanked at either side by roll and small hollow chamfer. Mullion is square at rear.

Door jamb and arch moulding, there is no hood included in this drawing because the hood exactly replicates the jamb. Moulding from intrados comprises: hollow, roll-and-fillet, hollow, roll-and-fillet, hollow.

Sedilia capital, moulding from top down comprises: roll-and-fillet, hollow, roll, hollow, fillet, bell, chamfered fillet as necking roll. An unusual capital, with small mouldings crammed at top and a very long bell - indicative of its early fourteenth-century date.

Sedilia base, moulding from top down comprises roll, hollow, roll-and fillet, hollow, fillet, roll. The middle roll-and-fillet forms a water-holding element.

Arch of sedilia, moulding from intrados comprises: chamfer, roll, hollow, roll (half roll-and-fillet), chamfer, fillet, hollow, right-angled rebate, chamfer, hollow, roll-and-fillet, hollow, roll-and-fillet, hollow, chamfer, right angled rebate. The hood, from extrados, comprises: roll-and-fillet, hollow, roll-and-fillet, hollow, chamfer. The first…

Jamb and arch of tomb niche, moulding from intrados comprises: chamfer, roll-and-fillet, chamfer, right-angled rebate, chamfer, roll-and-fillet, chamfer. Roll-and-fillets very worn.

West door that terminates central aisle, centre of three gabled front. Broad splay. Moulding fron intrados comprises: chamfer, hollow, roll-and-fillet, hollow chamfer, roll-and-fillet, hollow chamfer, roll-and-fillet, hollow chamfer, roll-and fillet, hollow, chamfer. The mouldings here are broad, and similar examples of this roll and fillet are…

Jamb, arch and hood moulding of sedilia. From intrados moulding comprises: ogee roll-and-fillet, quadrant, double ogee. The hood, from the outer to inner face reads: chamfer, ogee, hollow chamfer, ogee. This is an unusual moulding, in scale and in variety of elements. It resembes the west door moulding of Abbeydorney Cistercian Monastery and these…

Mullion from panels of blind Perpendicular tracery at the back of the tomb niche. The mullion comprises: frontal fillet flanked at either side by ogee, fillet, hollow. It may also be read as a roll and fillet flanked at either side by hollows. One of the only mouldings of this kind found in late medieval Irish Gothic.

West door jamb, arch and hood. Moulding from intrados comprises: hollow, fillet, roll-and-fillet, fillet, hollow. The hood, which is placed far from the jamb, comprises from outer to inner face: frontal fillet, hollow, right-angled rebate, hollow.

Hood mould of tomb niche, from outside in the moulding comprises: frontal fillet, fillet, roll-and-fillet, fillet, hollow, flat surface running into wall.

Capital comprising: abacus, two rolls, angle fillet, scroll, bell with keel at mid-point, roll-and-fillet as necking. Simlar examples at Holycross, Kilconnell, Strade, Lorrah Dominican.

Fragment of ogee headed window under a square label. The moulding can be read as: frontal roll-and-fillet flanked by hollow chamfers, after this broken at one side and with a quadrant at the other. Or, it can be read, from intrados, as comprising: quadrant, hollow chamfer, quadrant, fillet, quadrant, hollow chamfer.

Hood moulding of door. From extrados, moulding comprises frontal fillet flanked by quadrants, and at inner face, by a fillet, hollow and roll.

Capital frieze running the length of the splayed door jamb. Moulding comprises, from centre: central frontal roll-and-fillet flanked above and below by fillet, hollow, and scroll.

Door jamb and arch moulding, comprising from intrados: chamfer, hollow, triplet of roll-and-fillets, hollow, quadrant, quadrant. The hood comprises a sunk chamfer.

West door moulding, from soffit moulding comprises: roll-and-fillet, fillet, hollow, fillet, roll-and-fillet, fillet, hollow, fillet, roll-and-fillet, fillet, hollow, roll-and-fillet, fillet, pinnacle. This door, in its overall composition and the width of the fillets, is close to doors at Holycross, Kilcooly and other works related to them.

Jamb shaft running along reveal of east window. Moulding comprises, from angle: corner triple filleted roll flanked at either side by hollows and chamfers. This moulding looks Early English but is most likely fifteenth century, it looks similar to the work at Roscommon Dominican Friary, both in the jambs and in the tracery (both broken but…

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