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Amiens Cathedral, Amiens, Picardy, France - Miserichord
(handwritten on back of image): Amiens (Somme): Cathedral: detail of stalls, Moses and his mother (MH36135/34850)
Amiens Cathedral, Amiens, Picardy, France - Miserichord
(handwritten on back of image): Amiens (Somme): Cathedral: stalls: detail, Moses distributes wheat (7H56131/3H850)
Chezal-Benoit, Cher, France - Altar
(handwritten on back of image): Chezal-Benoit (Cher): Eglise: devant d'autel en pierre sculpte: John (palm, beardless); James I (lg. sword); Peter (key and rather lg. hand cross); John; Christ on cross; Mary; Paul; Andrew (hand cross); Bartholomew (knife) (MH21906/34894)
Church of Saint Vaast, Lynde, Nord-Pas-de-Calais, France - Rood Screen
(handwritten on back of image): Lynde (Nord): Jube en bois: 1. (blank) 2. (blank) 3. John 4. Andrew 5. Matthew 6. Paul/Coronation 7. Peter 8. Bartholomew 9. James I 10. Thomas 11. Simon 12. Jude (MH10322/34850)
Tags: Apostles, Blessed Virgin, Church furniture, Coronation of the Virgin, figure sculpture, France, Jesus Christ, Lynde, Mary, Nord-Pas-de-Calais, Polychromy, Saint, Saintly attributes, Saints, Screens (Church decoration), St. Andrew, St. Bartholomew, St. James Major, St. John, St. Jude, St. Matthew, St. Paul, St. Peter, St. Simon, St. Thomas, Wood carving
Church of Saint Yves, Ploudiry, Brittany, France - Rood Screen
(handwritten on back of image): Ploudiry (Finistere): jube en bois (see C. Arch. 1914, p. 125, Eglise la Roche-Maurice) (MH58149/34850)
Church of St. Philibert, Charlieu, Loire, France - Choir Stalls
(handwritten on back of image): Charlieu (Loire): eglise de St. Philibert: peinture du dos de stalle: detail (MH157061/34894)
Church of the Trinity, Vendôme, Loire-et-Cher, France - Miserichord
(handwritten on back of image): Vend??me (Loire-et-Cher): eglise de la Trinite: stalle: detail: miserichord visage (MH46710/34894)
La Chapelle de St. Nicholas, Priziac, Brittany, France - Rood Screen
(handwritten on back of image): Priziac (Morbiham): Chapelle de St. Nicholas, XVI (Peter, Andrew, James, John, Thomas, (?), Matthew, (?), simon, Jude, Matthias) (MH65316/34850)
Lambader, Brittany, France - Rood Screen
(handwritten on back of image): 68.10, Lambader (Finistere): Chapel: Angel/Annunciation on S. side of entranceway to rood screen (jube)
Lambader, Brittany, France - Rood Screen
(handwritten on back of image): 68.11, Lambader (Finistere): Chapel: BVM of the Annunciation on N. side of entranceway in rood screen (jube)
Lambader, Brittany, France - Rood Screen
(handwritten on back of image): Lambader (Finistere): jube: cote de l'escalier (bois) (MH86267/34850)
Locmaria, Brittany, France - Rood Screen
(handwritten on back of image): Locmaria (Finistere) (B36/5172)