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(handwritten on back of image): 72./Jerpoint, Co. Kilkenny: Pier 12, N. side: Fragments of cloister slabs - St. Catherine, a lower part and base, and a figure and base; from c. 5 ft (multiple images on file)

(handwritten on back of image): CL18, St. Christopher, N. face (wall side) of N.E. pier (pier 38) (stamp on back: A598)

(handwritten on back of image): St. Christopher on N.E. pier (multiple images on file)

(handwritten on back of image): C360, Kilferagh demense (Co. Kilkenny): St. Fiachra's 'well' (stamp on back: A703)

(handwritten on back of image): C359, Kilferagh demense (Co. Kilkenny): Statue of "St. Fiachra" (stamp on back: A703)

(handwritten on back of image): C357, Kilferagh demense (Co. Kilkenny): Statue of "St. Fiachra" (stamp on back: A703) (multiple images on file)

(handwritten on back of image): C202, Kilkenny, Co. Kilkenny: St. John's: SS John and Thomas from mensa tomb (near center of S. side) (stamp on back: A933)

(handwritten on back of image): C203, Kilkenny, Co. Kilkenny: St. John's: SS Andrew and James Major from mensa tomb (stamp on back: A933)

(handwritten on back of image): C198, Kilkenny, Co. Kilkenny: St. John's: St. James Major and St. Philip from mensa tomb, the E. most figures on S. side (stamp on back: A933) (multiple images on file)

(handwritten on back of image): C204, Kilkenny, Co. Kilkenny: St. John's: SS Peter and Andrew from front of mensa tomb (stamp on back: A933) (multiple images on file)

(handwritten on back of image): C199, Kilkenny, Co. Kilkenny: St. John's: Saints on E. end of mensa tomb (stamp on back: A933)

(handwritten on back of image): Kilkenny, Co. Kilkenny: St. John's Priory: Purcell tomb, E. end slab, detail of St. Bartholomew and St. Simon (stamp on back: The Green Studio Ltd., 118 St. Stephen's Green West, Dublin 2, Ref No. B1/86B)

(handwritten on back of image): C209, Kilkenny, Co. Kilkenny: St. John's: General view of mensa tomb to show proportions of height (stamp on back: A933)

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