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Photograph by Roger Stalley. View of west aisle of north transept showing rectangular pier in southern - most chapel. South and west elevations have filleted shafts on water - holding bases and chamfered plinth. They may have acted as responds for vault ribs above.

Photograph by Roger Stalley. Interior of lavabo showing twin round shafts separated by an arris fillet supported by a corbel (damaged); an acanthus foliate carved bell capital which interrupts a roll - and - fillet stringcourse is the springing point of the vault rib.

Photograph by Roger Stalley. View of east end of presbytery from the south - east showing buttress at the south - east corner, projecting from a battered masonry plinth. Disposition and size of the buttresses on north and south elevations suggest the existence of a rib - vault in the extended presbytery, probably divided into three bays. A similar…

Photograph by Roger Stalley. View of east end of presbytery from the south - east showing buttress projecting from a battered masonry plinth. Disposition and size of the buttresses on north and south elevations suggest the existence of a rib - vault in the extended presbytery, probably divided into three bays. A similar arrangement exists at the…

Photograph by Roger Stalley. Exterior of thirteenth - century addition to east end presbytery showing buttresses projecting from a battered masonry plinth. Disposition and size of the buttresses suggest the existence of a rib - vault in the extended presbytery, probably divided into three bays. A similar arrangement exists at the Cistercian Abbey…

Photograph by Roger Stalley. Interior of lavabo showing twin round shafts separated by arris fillet bearing acanthus foliate carved bell capital which interrupts a roll - and - fillet stringcourse;the abacus is the springing point of the vault rib.

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