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Black Abbey, Kilkenny, County Kilkenny - Madonna and Child
(handwritten on back of image): C185, Kilkenny, Co. Kilkenny: 'Black Abbey': XVI Flemish Madonna and Child reputedly brought with Ranuccini
Chapelle de Saint Fiacre, Faou?
(handwritten on back of image): Le Faouet: Chapelle de Saint Fiacre: jube, date 1480: detail (MH18962/34850)
Chapelle de Saint Fiacre, Faou?
(handwritten on back of image): Le Faouet: Chapelle de Saint Fiacre: jube, date 1480: detail (MH18961/34850)
Chapelle de Saint Fiacre, Faou?
(handwritten on back of image): La Faouet: Chapelle de Saint Fiacre: jube, date 1480 (MH18959/34850)
Chezal-Benoit, Cher, France - Altar
(handwritten on back of image): Chezal-Benoit (Cher): Eglise: devant d'autel en pierre sculpte: John (palm, beardless); James I (lg. sword); Peter (key and rather lg. hand cross); John; Christ on cross; Mary; Paul; Andrew (hand cross); Bartholomew (knife) (MH21906/34894)
Church of Saint Vaast, Lynde, Nord-Pas-de-Calais, France - Rood Screen
(handwritten on back of image): Lynde (Nord): Jube en bois: 1. (blank) 2. (blank) 3. John 4. Andrew 5. Matthew 6. Paul/Coronation 7. Peter 8. Bartholomew 9. James I 10. Thomas 11. Simon 12. Jude (MH10322/34850)
Tags: Apostles, Blessed Virgin, Church furniture, Coronation of the Virgin, figure sculpture, France, Jesus Christ, Lynde, Mary, Nord-Pas-de-Calais, Polychromy, Saint, Saintly attributes, Saints, Screens (Church decoration), St. Andrew, St. Bartholomew, St. James Major, St. John, St. Jude, St. Matthew, St. Paul, St. Peter, St. Simon, St. Thomas, Wood carving
Church of Saint Yves, Ploudiry, Brittany, France - Rood Screen
(handwritten on back of image): Ploudiry (Finistere): jube en bois (see C. Arch. 1914, p. 125, Eglise la Roche-Maurice) (MH58149/34850)
Collegiate Church of the Holy Cross, Crediton, Devon, England - Recess Tomb
(handwritten on back of image): Crediton, Devon: Church of the Holy Cross: Tomb Recess (B47/3309)
Ferns Cathedral, County Wexford - Chancel
(handwritten on back of image): 69.273, Ferns (Co. Wexford): Cathedral: Original piers in N. wall of chancel arch (multiple images on file)
Tags: Animal sculpture, Arcades (Architecture), Arches, Architectural, Bases (Architecture), Capitals (Architecture), Church architecture Ireland, Church furniture, Columns, County Wexford, Decoration and ornament, Ferns, Inscriptions, Ireland, Monuments, Mouldings, Polychromy, Wexford (Ireland : County), Wood-carving
Ferns Cathedral, County Wexford - Effigy of a Bishop, Probably John St. John
(handwritten on back of image): Ferns, Co. Wexford (stamp on back: The Green Studio Ltd., 118 St. Stephen's Green West, Dublin 2, Ref. No. BY 85B)
Ferns Cathedral, County Wexford - Effigy of a Bishop, Probably John St. John
Ferns, Co. Wexford: Cathedral: Effigy of bishop
Ferns Cathedral, County Wexford - Effigy of a Bishop, Probably John St. John
(handwritten on back of image): Ferns, Co. Wexford (stamp on back: The Green Studio Ltd., 118 St. Stephen's Green West, Dublin2, Ref. No: BY 86B)
Ferns Cathedral, County Wexford - Effigy of a Bishop, Probably John St. John
(handwritten on back of image): 69.272, Ferns, Co. Wexford: Cathedral: Effigy of bishop (multiple images on file)
Ferns Cathedral, County Wexford - Effigy of a Bishop, Probably John St. John
(handwritten on back of image): 69.270, Ferns, Co. Wexford: Cathedral: Effigy of bishop: detail (multiple images on file)
Ferns Cathedral, County Wexford - Effigy of a Bishop, Probably John St. John
(handwritten on back of image): 69.271, Ferns, Co. Wexford: Cathedral: Effigy of bishop: detail (multiple images on file)
Ferns Cathedral, County Wexford - Effigy of a Bishop, Probably John St. John
(handwritten on back of image): 69.264, Ferns (Co. Wexford): Cathedral: Tomb of bishop: detail (multiple images on file)
Ferns Cathedral, County Wexford - Effigy of a Bishop, Probably John St. John
(handwritten on back of image): 69.262, Ferns (Co. Wexford): Effigy of bishop (multiple images on file)
Kermaria-an-Iskuit, Brittany, France - Chapel
(handwritten on back of image): Kermaria-an-Isquit (Cotes du Nord): Chapel: 3 of Apostles on E. side of S. porch
Kermaria-an-Iskuit, Brittany, France - Chapel
(handwritten on back of image): 68.2, Kermaria-an-Isquit (Cotes du Nord): Chapel: Apostles on W. side of S. porch
Kermaria-an-Iskuit, Brittany, France - Chapel
(handwritten on back of image): 68.3, Kermaria-an-Isquit (Cotes du Nord): Chapel: Apostles on E. side of S. porch