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Photograph by Roger Stalley. A view of the interior surface of the east wall of the original church at Fertagh. The masonry style may be cyclopean but this is obscured by the wall having been rendered with cement to create a playing surface for handball.

Photograph by Roger Stalley. General view of the church at Fertagh. The nave is to the right of the image, it was converted into a handball alley. The MacGillapadraig mortuary chapel is to the left, north of the nave.

Photograph by Roger Stalley. View of the south - west crossing pier. Diamond - shaped in plan, the pier has large filleted shafts and bases with elongated bells on the diagonal face. Moulding style is similar to fourteenth - century work in the south transept suggesting they were constructed concurrently. Substantial form of the pier suggests it…

Photograph by Roger Stalley. View of north arcade showing fragments of various piers. One with octagonal chamfered base and vertical double - ogee mouldings resting on a high chamfered plinth of late Gothic type. Another fragment is a filleted shaft with a base set on a high round plinth. The final fragment is a vertical filleted angle - shaft…

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