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Photograph by Roger Stalley. Detail of south choir elevation showing jamb of niche with hood moulding terminating in foliate label stop. Twin filleted polychromatic shafts of red sandstone support weathered stiff - leaf capitals. The outer order is more slender than the inner.

Photograph by Roger Stalley. Detail of south choir elevation showing portion of niche with filleted arch and hood moulding terminating in foliate label stop. Twin filleted polychromatic shafts of red sandstone support weathered stiff - leaf and nailhead capitals. The outer order is more slender than the inner.

Photograph by Roger Stalley. Detail of south elevation of choir showing niches surmounted by a stringcourse upon which rests lancet windows. Central niche has polychromatic filleted shafts and arches treated with capitals of stiff - leaf foliage and water - holding bases resting on a stepped stringcourse. An adjacent early classical niche to the…

Photograph by Roger Stalley. View of north elevation of choir showing lancet windows with quatrefoil windows with deep splays placed in the spandrels. The lancets have capitals carved with stiff - leaf foliage and cable ornament; the arches show roll - and - fillet mouldings. The quatrefoil windows have semi - circular heads and sills. Jambs are…

Photograph by Roger Stalley. View of the choir from the east showing rere - arches of quatrefoil windows filling the spandrels between five hood moulded lancet windows. The lancet windows have rere - arches richly treated with roll - and - fillets, hollows and rolls along with roll - and - filleted hoods. The rere - arches of the quatrefoil windows…

Photograph by Roger Stalley. Detail of rere - arch of lancet window treated with an angle shaft flanked by hollows surmounted by a stiff - leaf bell capital, in turn supporting moulded arch and hood. Arch and hood moulded with hollows, rolls and roll - and - fillets. Hood terminates in label stop comprised of a ball of stiff - leaf foliage.

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