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Athenry Castle, south interior wall of hall, window hood
Hood of window angle shaft. Moulding comprises: angle keel flanked at either side by quarter hollows and chamfers.
Athenry Castle, exterior east wall, door, jamb and arch
Jamb and arch of pointed door that might be called Transitional or Early English in style. The mouldings perhaps too large and simple to be Early English. Moulding comprises: angle roll flanked at either side by quarter roll, and to front face by hollow chamfer.
Athenry Castle, exterior east wall, door, hood
Hood of door, moulding comprises: angle keel flanked at either side by quarter roll, with hollow chamfer at front face leanding to wall surface. Mouldings broad and Transitional in character.
Athenry Castle, east interior wall of hall, window, jamb and arch
Angle shaft of splayed window jamb. Moulding, from arris comprises: roll flanked by quarter hollows.
Athenry Castle, east interior wall of hall, window, hood
Hood of east window. Moulding comprises angle keel flanked by quarter hollows.
Athenry Castle, east interior wall of hall, window, base
Base of window angle shaft. Moulding from top down comprises: roll, bell, roll, roll, pinth.
Athenry Castle, east interior wall of hall, window, annulet
Annulet or shaft-ring of window angle shaft. Moulding, from top down comprises: roll, outward splaying bell, flat surface, roll, flat surface, inward splaying bell, roll.
Abbeyknockmoy Cistercian Monastery, north chancel wall, O'Kelly Tomb, jamb and arch
Jamb and arch of O'Kelly tomb, the moulding is unusual, and comprises from intrados: hollow chamfer, hollow chamfer, hollow chamfer (forming a kind of polygonal shaft), protruding double roll.
Abbeyknockmoy Cistercian Monastery, loose stone fragments, dumbell cloister base
Dumbell cloister base, now loose in the stone store. The moulding comprises from top down: chamfered fillet, bell, quadrant, plinth.
Abbeyknockmoy Cistercian Monastery, loose stone fragments, jamb
Jamb fragment, possibly door. Moulding comprises: hollow chamfer, quadrant, right-angled rebate, hollow chamfer, quadrant.
Abbeyknockmoy Cistercian Monastery, east window, jamb
Jamb of east window, from intrados moulding comprises: beak, ogee keel, hollow.