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Photograph by Roger Stalley. View of north transept showing south - eastern transept chapel. The south pier respond adjoins the north - east crossing pier. Complex series of roll - and - fillet arch mouldings are augmented with endélit shafts, these all rest on water - holding bases and a chamfered plinth.

Photograph by Roger Stalley. Interior of lavabo showing twin round shafts separated by arris fillet bearing acanthus foliate carved bell capital which interrupts a roll - and - fillet stringcourse;the abacus is the springing point of the vault rib.

Photograph by Roger Stalley. Interior view of northern transept showing half - pier abutting wall and doorway. Half - pier has roll - and - fillet angle shafts flanked by hollows and fillets. Doorway leading to newel stair has plain chamfered jambs terminating in pyramidal stops at base.

Photograph by Roger Stalley. View of eastern - most window in the south elevation of the chapter house. A pair of cusped round - headed lights are surmounted by a small spherical diamond light which separates the curvilinear tracery above. This is composed of two cusped inward facing mouchettes surmounted by a cusped quatrefoil light. The mullions…

Photograph by Roger Stalley. Reconstructed section of the south side of the cloister viewed from the south west showing arcade of twin colonettes composed of twin, round en délit shafts and scalloped capitals surmounted by round arches.

Photograph by Roger Stalley. View of lavabo arch and capital. The damaged capital shows remains of affronted winged birds or hybrids. The abacus is plan. The string - course above the capital is broken. The soffit is moulded with a triplet of roll - and - fillets, each separated by a fillet. The soffit rolls are separated from the outer orders by a…

Photograph by Roger Stalley. Nave viewed from the north - west showing foundations of the north and south aisle walls and some of the main arcade piers including the north - west and south - west crossing piers. The chapter house with Decorated window is visible in the background.

Photograph by Roger Stalley. North transept door in three moulded orders. Inner square order has angle shaft flanked by three - quarter hollows and fillets. Outer two orders have plan shafts with water - holding bases on round plinths. These shafts flanked at inner faces by hollows and round shafts and at outer faces by hollows and roll - and -…

Photograph by Roger Stalley. North transept door in three moulded orders. Inner square order has angle shaft flanked by three - quarter hollows and fillets. Outer two orders have plan shafts with water - holding bases on round plinths. These shafts flanked at inner faces by hollows and round shafts and at outer faces by hollows and roll - and -…

Photograph by Roger Stalley. Exterior of thirteenth - century addition to east end presbytery showing buttresses projecting from a battered masonry plinth. Disposition and size of the buttresses suggest the existence of a rib - vault in the extended presbytery, probably divided into three bays. A similar arrangement exists at the Cistercian Abbey…

Photograph by Roger Stalley. View of east end of presbytery from the south - east showing buttress projecting from a battered masonry plinth. Disposition and size of the buttresses on north and south elevations suggest the existence of a rib - vault in the extended presbytery, probably divided into three bays. A similar arrangement exists at the…

Photograph by Roger Stalley. View of east end of presbytery from the south - east showing buttress at the south - east corner, projecting from a battered masonry plinth. Disposition and size of the buttresses on north and south elevations suggest the existence of a rib - vault in the extended presbytery, probably divided into three bays. A similar…

Photograph by Roger Stalley. Exterior view of crypt from the west showing stone access steps to the nave. West elevation shows four small windows, previously each had a cruciform grille. The crypt is composed of a main chamber accessed from the nave by stone steps. It gives onto a roughly square - planned room under the west bay of the north aisle…

Photograph by Roger Stalley. View of north elevation of extended east end presbytery showing tomb recess and stringcourse. Recess has water - holding base (endélit shaft missing) and mouldings with vertical line of dogtooth ornament. A small segment of roll - and - fillet moulded stringcourse is also visible at the angle of the north and east…

Photograph by Roger Stalley. North transept, east arcade, first pier (seen from the south) showing square piers with roll - and - fillet angle shafts. Shafts flanked by three - quarter hollows and fillets. Hollows run into a chamfer at base.

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