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St. Patrick's Cathedral, Dublin, County Dublin - Capitals
(handwritten on back of image): 76.119, Dublin: St. Patrick's: capitals, central bay of E. side of triforium of N. transept
St. Patrick's Cathedral, Dublin, County Dublin - Capitals
(handwritten on back of image): 76.115, Dublin: St. Patrick's: choir, N. side clerestory, second bay from crossing, trim of (?) side of wall
St. Patrick's Cathedral, Dublin, County Dublin - Capitals
(handwritten on back of image): Dublin: St. Patrick's: E. wall of choir, triforium, capitals on pier between central and southern arch
St. Patrick's Cathedral, Dublin, County Dublin - Capitals
(handwritten on back of image): Dublin: St. Patrick's: E. wall of choir, triforium, capitals on pier between northern and central arch XIII
St. Patrick's Cathedral, Dublin, County Dublin - Capitals
(handwritten on back of image): Dublin: St. Patrick's: N. wall of choir, triforium, capitals of east side of third bay from crossing
St. Patrick's Cathedral, Dublin, County Dublin - Capitals
(handwritten on back of image): 76.48, Dublin: St. Patrick's: chancel, S. aisle, capitals 28-30
St. Patrick's Cathedral, Dublin, County Dublin - Capitals
(handwritten on back of image): 76.45, Dublin: St. Patrick's: chancel, S. aisle, N. end, capitals 15 and 16
St. Patrick's Cathedral, Dublin, County Dublin - Capitals
(handwritten on back of image): 76.40, Dublin: St. Patrick's: chancel, S. side, second bay from E. end, capitals on chancel side (multiple images on file)
St. Patrick's Cathedral, Dublin, County Dublin - Capitals
(handwritten on back of image): Dublin: St. Patrick's: triforium of chancel, N. side, capitals of W. side of second bay from crossing (multiple images on file)
St. Patrick's Cathedral, Dublin, County Dublin - Capitals
(handwritten on back of image): Dublin: St. Patrick's: triforium of E. side of S. transept, captials on N. side of S. bay (multiple images on file)
St. Patrick's Cathedral, Dublin, County Dublin - Capitals
(handwritten on back of image): Dublin: St. Patrick's: S. choir aisle, capitals on S. side of first pier from crossing (multiple images on file)
St. Patrick's Cathedral, Dublin, County Dublin - Capitals
(handwritten on back of image): 76.46, Dublin: St. Patrick's: chancel: S. aisle, N. side, capitals 20-24 (multiple images on file)
St. Patrick's Cathedral, Dublin, County Dublin - Capitals
(handwritten on back of image): Dublin: St. Patrick's: N. aisle of chancel, capital on N. and N.W. of first pier from E. end (multiple images on file)
St. Patrick's Cathedral, Dublin, County Dublin - Capitals
(handwritten on back of image): Dublin: St. Patrick's: S. aisle of chancel, capital on S.E. side of S.E. crossing pier under N. side of first arch to E. of crossing (multiple images on file)
St. Patrick's Cathedral, Dublin, County Dublin - Capitals
(handwritten on back of image): Dublin: St. Patrick's: S. aisle of choir, capital on S.E. side of first pier from crossing (multiple images on file)
St. Patrick's Cathedral, Dublin, County Dublin - Capitals
Dublin: St. Patrick's (handwritten on back of image): capital on W. and N.W. side of second pier to E. of crossing in S. aisle of chancel (multiple images on file)
St. Patrick's Cathedral, Dublin, County Dublin - Capitals
(handwritten on back of image): Dublin: St. Patrick's: capitals of first pier to E. of crossing on S. aisle of chancel from S.W. (multiple images on file)
St. Patrick's Cathedral, Dublin, County Dublin - Capitals
(handwritten on back of image): Dublin: St. Patrick's: two capitals of S. E. corner of S. pier of E. side of N. transept (multiple images on file)
St. Patrick's Cathedral, Dublin, County Dublin - Capitals
(handwritten on back of image): 76.36, Dublin: St. Patrick's: chancel: N. side aisle capital, third from E. end on S. side of aisle
St. Patrick's Cathedral, Dublin, County Dublin - Capitals
(handwritten on back of image): Dublin: St. Patrick's: captials of S. side of N. pier of W. aisle of S. transept (not crossing pier) (multiple images on file)