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West door jamb, arch and hood. Moulding from intrados comprises: hollow, fillet, roll-and-fillet, fillet, hollow. The hood, which is placed far from the jamb, comprises from outer to inner face: frontal fillet, hollow, right-angled rebate, hollow.

Piscina in south wall of choir, the simple moulding of the jamb and arch comprises from intrados: chamfer, hollow, chamfer.

Capital of middle niche/sedilia of south nave wall, moulding from top down comprises: chamfer, fillet, hollow, stiff-leaf foliage, bell, necking roll-and-fillet. Here again Early English characteristics are manifest but the niche may date from the later middle ages.

Capital of niche, mouliding comprises from top down: roll-and-fillet, fillet, hollow, quadrant, fillet, hollow, roll with lower fillet, bell. The necking roll is missing.

Base of middle niche in south wall of nave. Moulding is broken, but what remains, from top down, comprises: water-holding element, roll with two fillets, chamfer, plinth.

Base of eastern niche in south nave wall, from top down moulding comprises: roll, bell, roll and fillet, roll, plinth.

Arch and hood moulding of eastern niche in south nave wall. Moulding of arch from inner to outer face comprises: hollow, roll-and-fillet, flat surface, roll-and-fillet, right-angled rebate, flat surface of wall. From outer to inner face, hood comprises: frontal fillet, hollow, hollow, quarter roll, hollow.

Arch and hood moulding of westernmost niche of south nave wall. Arch moulding from inner surface comprises: chamfer, flat surface, hollow, roll-and-fillet, roll, hollow, chamfer, flat surface of wall. The hood, from outside face to inner comprises: roll-and-fillet, hollow, chamfer. The style of this moulding can best be described as debased Early…

Arch and hood of wall arcade. Moulding from intrados comprises: chamfer, hollow, triple-filleted roll, hollow, chamfer. The hood, from external to internal surface comprises: fillet, roll, hollow, roll, chamfer.

Capital of sedilia shafts. complex moulding comprises from top down: roll-and-fillet, roll, angle-fillet, roll-and-fillet, roll, angle-fillet, roll-and-fillet, bell, necking roll-and-fillet. Four unit capital, perhaps fourteenth-century, best called degenerate Early English.

Base of sedilia, with two water-holding elements. From top down moulding comprises: necking roll-and-fillet, hollow, roll with upper fillet, hollow, roll with upper fillet, chamfer, plinth. Again, this might most readily be called debased Early English.

Jamb of sedilia, moulding from intrados comprises: hollow, roll-and-fillet, flat surface, roll-and-fillet, chamfer. The hood, from the outer edge, comprises: roll with frontal fillet, hollow flanked by fillets, quadrant. Few hollows flanked by fillets occur in Irish architecture, in England, Morris sees them as the progenitor of the casement -…

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