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(handwritten on back of image): 68.108, Slane, Co. Meath: Protestant church: Cross slabs and carving from Stackallen, Co. Meath in W. wall of church (multiple images on file)

Somerset, England: Detail of carved figure

Photograph by Roger Stalley. North transept doorway. Steeply pointed hood molding with stops enclosing arch with hood stops and en - delit shafts. Banded convex roll molding, continuous from jamb to arch, forms inner round - headed order of doorway. Quatrefoil frame fills tympanum created between inner order and apex of hood.

Photograph by Roger Stalley. Western side of south entrance porch showing capitals with stiff - leaf and head carvings, en - delit shafts and moulded base . Detached shafts are absent. View into western side of interior of porch shows blind arcading.

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