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(handwritten on back of image): 75.186, The Dublin Cloister: fragments at Wood Quay, Dublin

(handwritten on back of image): 76.2, Dublin: St. Patrick's: N. side of chancel, first arch E. of crossing, W. side (multiple images on file)

(handwritten on back of image): Dublin: St. Patrick's: capitals of N.E. pier of crossing from S.S.E. (restored) (multiple images on file)

(handwritten on back of image): 76.142, Dublin: St. Patrick's: N. wall of nave over vaults showing E. side of fifth bay from crossing

(handwritten on back of images): 76.135/76.138, dublin: National Museum of Ireland stores: antiquarian crypt, capital resembling those of St. Patrick's Lady Chapel (multiple images on file)

(handwritten on back of image): 76.185, Dublin: St. Patrick's: N. transept, E. side, capital N. end of soffit arch; arch N. of transept (multiple images on file)

(handwritten on back of image): 76.183, Dublin: St. Patrick's: seventh pier from W. end, N. arcade of nave, capital of transverse rib of aisle (multiple images on file)

(handwritten on back of image): 76.182, Dublin: St. Patrick's: N. arcade of nave, fifth bay from W. end, capital at E. end of soffit arch (multiple images on file)

(handwritten on back of image): 76.278, Dublin: St. Patrick's: interior of S. aisle, W. end, G. Dunoyer, vol. V, plate 22 (in RSAI library, Dublin) Feb. 1842

(handwritten on back of image): 76.279, Dublin: St. Patrick's: 'The Font' drawing by G. Dunoyer, vol. V, plate 25 (in RSAI library, Dublin) Feb. 11, 1842 (multiple images on file)

(handwritten on back of image): 76.244, Dublin: Christchurch: moulding profiles of capitals (multiple images on file)

(handwritten on back of image): 29; 76.94, Dublin: St. Patrick's: Arch in W. end of chuch, as seen from above vaults (multiple images on file)

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